Monday, February 13, 2012

4 Month Photo Shoot

Photos shot outside,
So this was a quicky!
Eden wondering how she
can get these in her mouth
Here again we see a perfect example of how child #1 is treated far differently than all other proceeding children. Baby two and three should consider themselves lucky if they get 6 month photo shoots, and as for baby number 4 (baring any gap of 4 or more years between children) should be happy if her first birthday is celebrated with the same vigor that Eden now receives every month on the 12th!

Mark pinning her 4 month sticker on
Here in the Worth household we choose to celebrate and embrace this natural inequality.  Join with us and enjoy these photos taken by the talented Katie Worth of our daughter on her 4 month day.
Mark is ever trying to teach
Eden how to walk

One of our favorite pictures of Eden already
One of the only smiley pictures we could get of her on the day

Eden gave daddy the hearts on sticks
Every month at her photo shoot Eden has a different E that are in some of her shots
The creative and wonderful Kaitlyn Worth selects and/or creates these Es!


  1. oh the joys of being the firstborn. Way to embrace the inevitable. Don't fight it. And you aren't. well done

  2. Seeing as Mark wrote this...I would like to think I'll be able to do something similar which each of our children :). I probably won't have nearly as many pics of our other children. However, I do hope to do a month-to-month pic with all of them.
