Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ever Closer...

Each week on the calendar is falling away, and our baby's due date draws ever closer! We are excited and nervous to enter the world of parenthood! October will be a month with plenty of changes. There will be overwhelming  joy, discouragement, and extreme lack of sleep :). ( I have not experienced sleep deprivation due to having an infant in the house, but I am confident it will come, and that I should prepare for the worst!)
A midst the array of emotions we will be feeling, I am sure we will spend many moments staring in awe at the child God chose to bless us with. (At least as long as we can keep our eyes open).
For now we play the waiting game. I am 33 weeks along, and just four weeks shy of being  full term!  I am definitely hitting the "Nesting" point! I am anxious to have everything ready for Baby Worth. I want the nursery as well as the whole apartment to be cleaned and organized. I even scrubbed the stove the other day hmm....moms this is all due to nesting right lol?
I think/hope that our little one will make an early debut. Of course, now that I say that, he/she is sure to arrive late :). We can't wait to meet this baby! God knows best, and we trust Him to bring this little life into the world in His time. I just hope we don't have to wait too long to meet!

Here are a few things that I have been making/putting together for Baby Worth:
I Love our Pack N Play! Really enjoyed putting it together. Amazing to think there will be a baby in there very soon!

The board I decorated for the Nursery wall. It coordinates with our jungle theme. The babies first name will be displayed up top, while their middle name will be displayed on the bottom. This board will contain baby photos, the birth announcement, and other baby info :). 

We ask all of you for your continued prayers as we prepare for this precious gift. There is still plenty to do! Pray for peace about labor/delivery for me. I am super nervous about it!  Also, that God would help us cherish these remaining weeks as just a couple. Our lives will be changed forever very soon, so we will continue to cling to our great God, who is unchanging!

In His love,
Katie & Mark

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